The competitive activity of racers on the highway makes high demands on the level of their physical fitness, since the competition can be held in the form of a multi-day race. The training of road racers is based on the development of physical qualities, among which the most important for them are different types of endurance. The development of these qualities is possible only with a purposeful impact on their physiological systems and, in particular, on the mechanisms of energy supply of muscle activity.
The analysis of the literature showed that in most of the works devoted to the preparation of racers on the highway, there is no necessary scientific information characterizing the features of the energy supply of their muscular activity during preparation for multi-day races. This greatly limits the possibilities for differentiating the means and methods of developing different types of endurance in the process of training. The issues of application of methods for the development of endurance among racers on the highway, where the differentiation criterion would be different types of energy metabolism, are also insufficiently developed. The existing system of preparation of racers on the highway for competitions is characterized by insufficient consideration of the peculiarities of the mechanism of energy supply of muscular activity in the training process. Its main drawback is its general approach to training road riders. Coaches in their work with athletes are guided solely by their personal experience of preparing road riders for competitions.
Asociacion Espanola de Analisis del Rendimiento Deportivo
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