Analysis of International Experience in Solving the Problem of Antimony Radioisotope Formation in the First Circuit of Reactor Installations


Semenovyh Anton1,Sharov Dmitriy1,Ivanov Evgeniy1,Marakulin Igor'1


1. All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation


The article summarizes and presents an analysis of international experience in solving the problem of formation of radioisotopes of antimony in the primary circuit of reactor facilities of various types. The experience of twelve countries operating power units with VVER, PWR, BWR, and PHWR reactors in identifying sources of stable antimony isotopes in the primary circuit and implementing measures to eliminate them is reviewed. The recommendations of international organizations and requirements of normative documents of individual countries established to limit the formation of radioisotopes of antimony in the primary circuit and their implementation in new designs of reactor facilities of foreign design have been analyzed. A list of the main possible sources of antimony in the primary circuit is determined.


Scientific Production Company Doza, Ltd


General Engineering

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