Application of the Correction Algorithm Based on the ME-LM Method for Improvement of Peak Identification in the Instrumental Spectrum of the Scintillation Gamma-Radiometer


Zaharadniuk Aliaksei12,Abalonski Dmitri1,Lukashevich Raman1


1. Scientific Production Unitary Enterprise «ATOMTEX»

2. Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet


The paper considers an algorithm for correcting the instrumental spectrum of the gamma-radiometer with a NaI(Tl) detector. The algorithm is based on the ME-LM method (Maximum Likelihood Estimation using Expectation Maximization), which uses a detector response matrix obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. The main advantage of the algorithm is the rescaling procedure, which significantly reduces the spectrum processing time.


Scientific Production Company Doza, Ltd

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