Oral Thermoluminescent Neutron Dosimeter for Emergency Exposure Conditions


Pyshkina Mariya12,Zhukovskiy Mihail3,Vasil'ev Aleksey1,Romanova Marina24


1. Institute of Industrial Ecology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Ural Federal University

3. Industrial Ecology Institute, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

4. 3JSC «Institute of Reactor Materials»


An oral dosimeter of mixed gamma-neutron radiation for emergency exposure conditions has been developed. The energy dependence of the neutron radiation dosimeter sensitivity is close to the energy dependence of the specific effective dose per unit flux density. For neutron fields containing a significant contribution of fast neutrons, the uncertainty of the dosimeter readings is no more than 25% for the anteroposterior radiation geometry and no more than 35% for the rotation geometry. In neutron fields with a predominance of particles with thermal and intermediate energies, the dosimeter overestimates the effective radiation dose by 2.5 times for the anteroposterior geometry and 3.3 times for the rotation geometry. A staging experiment was carried out, which included placing individual dosimeters inside a canister simulating the torso of a standard adult in a neutron radiation field. The conditionally true values of the effective dose were obtained using the energy and angular distribution of the neutron radiation flux density. Differences in the dosimeter readings and the conditionally true value of the effective dose do not exceed 2.


Scientific Production Company Doza, Ltd

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