1. Faculty of management and economics Tomas Bata University
Strategic management of SMEs is perceived as crucial backbone of their business, as itimpacts their business models and internal processes all the way up to digital innovationmeasured by the level of digital maturity. How do the strategic management factorsinfluence the digital maturity? Through quantitative analysis of 76 respondentsrepresenting SMEs in the Czech Republic, the research data was collected andstatistically tested. Results imply that strategic management factors affect the level ofdigital maturity. This paper contributes to prior literature by practical implementationof modified digital maturity model and by addressing the correlation of strategicmanagement factors and the level of digital maturity. Limitations springing fromsample site and environment are addressed and discussion on the results is conducted.Author proposes a conclusion that strategic management factors can be perceived as adriver of digital transformation, emphasizing the need for future research and practicaldiscussion.
Faculty of Organisation and Informatics