1. Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Kırıkkale University
The aim of the research is to examine the work ethics perceptions of academics fromdifferent generations and the relationship between these perceptions and workplacedeviation behaviors. In line with the purpose, the questionnaire prepared by using 5questions with demographic variables, academic ethical values scale and workplacedeviation behavior scale were applied to 472 academicians working at state universitiesin Ankara and the nearby provinces. The results revealed moderately negativerelationship between academic ethical values and one of its sub-dimensions which isthe values for the institution and workplace deviation behaviors. Moreover, weak andstrong negative relationships were found between academic ethical values and othersub-factors of workplace deviation behaviors. Intergenerational differences were foundbetween academic ethical values and academic ethical values towards the teachingprocess and serious workplace deviation towards the organization, and betweenacademic ethical values towards colleagues and deviant behaviors towards theorganization.
Faculty of Organisation and Informatics