1. Kanareikina S.G. Paratypic Influence factors and treatment regimes for suitability for the production of mare's milk yogurt: the thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of agricultural sciences. Ufa, 2007. - 23 p. [inRussian].
2. Ahatova I.A. The use of dry mare's milk in the production of yoghurt / IA Ahatova, SG Kanareikina // Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials. - 2010. №12. рр.60 - 62. [inRussian].
3. Kanareikina S.G. Pasteurized milk drinks from dry mare's milk / SG Kanareikina // Current biotechnology. 2013. №4 (7). рр.13-17. [inRussian].
4. Kanareikina S.G. Technology of milk and dairy products: laboratory practical. Part 1 / S.G. Kanareikina, A.V.Savelev. Ufa BSAU, 2008. 64 p. [inRussian].
5. Kanareikina S.G. The use of functional ingredients in the production of yoghurt / SG Kanareikina, A.R.Abutalipova // Innovation, environmental safety, equipment and technology in the production and processing of agricultural products: Materials III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. - Ufa: Bashkir State Agrarian University, 2012. рр.138 - 140[inRussian].