Emergent Industrial Heritage: The Politics of Selection


Cameron Catherine M.





Reference39 articles.

1. Geoffrey White (1997), in his introduction to a special issue of Museum Anthropology on public history, discusses the political side of heritage and national narratives, as do several of the papers in that issue. Demolition is very lucrative for steel companies in that the machinery and some buildings are made from steel which is then designated as scrap for recycling. The Steel Industry Heritage Corporation which has studied steel heritage sees the profitability of scrap steel as an impediment to plant preservation efforts. As part of the decentralization impulse, Richard Kurin describes a two-year, twelve-city tour called America's Smithsonian, in which 300 of the nation's

2. beckoning from the gods. Rudolf Otto (1958) in The Idea of the Holy is credited with the first modern usage. In his rendering, numen is a religious emotion or experience akin to rapture that can be awakened in the presence of something holy. Explorations of numen continue to be found in religious studies and also literature and philosophy. Anthropologist Alondra Oubre in Instinct and Revelations (1997) investigates the evolution of the numinous mind from a prehistoric perspective. In the context of public history, Maines and Glynn (1993) suggest that numen can endow places and objects with a special socio-cultural magic and inspire reactions of reverence and awe. My co-researcher and I use numen more in this last sense, that is, an experience of deep engagement and personal involvement. The data from our survey suggests

3. Abrams, James F.1994Lost Frames of Reference: Sightings of History

4. and Memory in Pennsylvania's Documentary Landscape. In Conserving Culture. Mary Hufford, ed. Pp. 24-38. Ur

5. bana: University of Illinois Press. Ames, Michael M.1992Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes. The Anthropology of Museums. Vancouver: University of British Colum

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