1. An early draft of this paper was presented before the American Society for Ethnohistory, which met in London, Ontario, in October 2000. For their encouragement and comments, the author thanks Pacific Historical Review's referees as well as Ricky Earl Newport, Katherine Jellison, Dean Jacobs, David McNab, Jamie Manuele, Taryn White, Elizabeth Ragan, Polly Stewart, and, especially, Dean J. Fafoutis. He also thanks the Everett Dirksen Center, Salisbury University Foundation, and the Fulton School of Liberal Arts at Salisbury University for grants-in-aid of research.
2. Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 72, No. 2, pages 201-227. ISSN 0030-8684 c2003 by the Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association. All rights reserved. Send requests for permission to reprint to: Rights and Permissions, University of California Press, 2000 Center St., Ste. 303, Berkeley, CA 94704-1223.
3. 1 Francis Paul Prucha, The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians (2 vols., Lincoln, Nebr., 1984), 2: 919, 945, 1028-1029, 1045; "Statement of Oklahoma Members in Congress on H. Con. Res. 108," July 22, 1953, folder 69, box 1, Speeches Series, Carl Albert Collection, Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center (hereafter Albert Center), University of Oklahoma, Norman (quotation).
4. 2 Thomas Clarkin, Federal Indian Policy in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations 1961-1969 (Albuquerque, 2001), 45- 47, 169, 202-209, 219-226, 274; Message to Congress on the "Forgotten American," March 6, 1968, box 18, Fred Bohen Files, Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Austin, Tex. (quotation).
5. 3 Joan Hoff, Nixon Reconsidered (New York, 1994), 28.