1. Adams, Michael. 1 989. "Review of Rain Man." Magill's Cinema Annual: A Survey of the Films of 1988. Englewood Cliffs, Nj: Salem Press.
2. Clough, Patricia T. 1992. The nd(s) of thnography. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
3. Combs, Richard. 1989. "Review of Rain Man." Monthly film Bulletin March: 84.
4. Cuthbertson, Beverley, and John M. Johnson. 1992. "Exquisite Emotional Sensitivity and Capture." Pp. 155- 166 in Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 13, edited by Norman Denzin. Greenwich, CT: JAl.
5. Denzin. Norman K. 1 99 1 1992. Symbolic Interactionism and Cultural Studies: The Politics of lnterpretation. London: Blackwell.