1. Advances in Program Evaluation: Evaluation and the Postmodern Dilemma 1997 JAI Press Tineke Abma Mabry Linda Sharing Power Facing Ambiguity 105 119
2. Exploring Evaluator Role and Identity 2002 Information Age E. Ryan Katherine A. Schwandt Thomas Hidden Images of Self 119 138
3. The Anthropologist as Hired Hand
4. Exploring Evaluator Role and Identity 2002 Information Age Norman K. Denzin E. Ryan Katherine A. Schwandt Thomas Performing Evaluation 139 165
5. Evaluation and Education: At Quarter Century 1991 University of Chicago Press Elliot W. Eisner W. Mclaughlin Milbrey C. Phillips Denis Taking a Second Look: Educational Connoisseurship Revisited 169 187