1. 1 I refer to a widespread position. It has been critiqued many times, however, for example long ago by
2. Joel Snyder and Neil Walsh Allen, in Photography, Vision, and Representation, Critical Inquiry 2 (1975): 14369,
3. and as recently as William J. Mitchell, T he Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Post-Photographic Era (Cambridge, Mass., 1992).
4. 2 An important example of the growing literature on identification is Diana Fuss, Identification Papers (New York, 1975).
5. 3 Roland Barthes. La chambre claire: Note sur la photographie (Paris, 1980); translated as Camera Lucida: Notes on Photography, trans. Richard Howard (New York, 1981). I will cite the English translation, sometimes amended (henceforth abbreviated CL, page references to the French edition immediately following those of the U.S. edition). A good deal has been written about Barthess interest in photography. Besides the sources mentioned below, see especially, Jean Delord, Roland Barthes et la photographie (Paris, 1981); Nancy M. Shawcross, Roland Barthes on Photography: The Critical Tradition in Perspective (Gainesville, Fla., 1997); and the essays in Jean-Michel Rabate, ed., Writing the Image After Roland Barthes (Philadelphia, Pa., 1997).