1. Burkholder, J. Peter. Letter to John Kirkpatrick, 20 September 1982. Box 5, folder 53.
2. Carter, Elliott. Letter to John Kirkpatrick, 16 June 1973. Box 6, folder 67.
3. Echols, Paul, and John Kirkpatrick. "Guidelines for Editors," May 1977. Box 7, folder 76.
4. Hitchcock, H. Wiley. Letters to: Mario di Bonaventura, 31 July 1974. Box 7, folder 74. Ellis Freedman, 3 March 1973. Box 7, folder 74. John Kirkpatrick, 28 May 1980. Box 17, folder 193.
5. Kirkpatrick, John. "The Current State of Ives Scholarship." Paper read at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Chapel Hill, NC, 13 November 1971. Box 61, folder 561.