1. Asch, Timothy1992The Ethics of Ethnographic Film-making. In Film As Ethnography, Peter Ian Crawford and David Turton, editors. Manchester University Press in association with the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology.
2. The Story We Now Want to Hear Is Not Ours to Tell: Relinquishing Control Over Representation: Toward Sharing Visual Communication Skills with The Yanomami
3. Asch, Timothy1988Collaboration in Ethnographic Filmmaking: A Personal View. In Anthropological Filmmaking. Anthropological Perspectives in the Production of Film and Video for General Public Audiences. Jack R. Rollwagen, editor: 1-29. Harwood Academic Publishers.
4. Asch, Timothy and Seaman, Gary eds.1993Yanomamo Film Study Guide. Los Angeles: Ethnographies Press. Chagnon, Napoleon A.
5. Asch, Timothy and Seaman, Gary eds.1968Yanomamo: The Fierce People. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Connor, Linda, Asch, Patsy and Asch, Timothy