1. Psychology 1 ,
2. University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland 1 ,
3. Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, Psychology 2 ,
4. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 2 ,
5. VIA Institute on Character, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 3
Character strengths-based interventions are effective for increasing well-being. However, whether such interventions also change character strengths has never been tested. In Study 1, we studied the effects of seven different variants of character strengths-based interventions on well-being, ill-being, and character strengths traits and states (i.e., frequency of behavior during one week). We analyzed data of N = 1,163 participants (82.3% women, aged 18 to 78; Md = 45) who were randomized to seven intervention conditions lasting one week; (1) learning about the VIA classification of character strengths, (2) learning about one’s own strengths, using signature strengths (3) in a new way, (4) with a minor challenge, (5) with a larger challenge, (6) for other people, (7) forming a strengths-based habit, or a placebo control condition (early memories). Results showed that using signature strengths in a new way led to increased well-being, social well-being, as well as character strengths states and traits. Forming a strengths-based habit also increased well-being and character strengths states. No effects on ill-being were found. In Study 2, we tested a four-week multi-component program that combined several interventions tested in Study 1 in a sample of N = 254 participants (77.8% women, aged 19 to 87; Md = 42). Compared to a waitlist control group, the intervention condition showed increases in well-being and character strengths states, and reductions in stress and neuroticism. We conclude that character strengths interventions may not only affect well-being but also character strengths states and traits, as well as broader personality traits such as neuroticism.
University of California Press
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