Exploring the Relationship between Science, Religion & Attitudes toward Evolution Education


Kaloi Mahealani,Hopper Jonas D.,Hubble Gabriella,Niu Megan E.,Shumway Spencer G.,Tolman Ethan R.,Jensen Jamie L.


While some have argued that abandoning religious belief is the only way to help religious individuals accept evolution, we strongly contend that highlighting faith-evolution compatibility is much more effective. This article describes a professional development event for science teachers and religious educators highlighting ways to teach human evolution using a science inquiry approach coupled with methods for helping students reconcile science and religion. Since many science teachers in our population face a highly religious student body, are religious themselves, and have religious education integrated into the school system, we asked them to invite the religious educators (i.e., seminary teachers) at their schools to join them at the event. In addition, a group of religious educator faculty members from the local university joined the event. We collected data both before and after intervention. Results showed that the event strengthened understanding of the intersection between evolution and religion for this particular faith group, decreased feelings of conflict in participants themselves, and increased their confidence and comfort level in offering reconciliation to students and designing lesson plans that include human examples of evolution. Differential impacts on each group of participants are discussed in terms of what we can apply to efforts like this going forward.


University of California Press


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous),Education

Reference47 articles.

1. The contribution of understanding of evolutionary theory and nature of science to pre-service science teachers’ acceptance of evolutionary theory;Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,2010

2. Acceptance of evolution and support for teaching creationism in public schools: the conditional impact of educational attainment;Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion,2013

3. A call to use cultural competence when teaching evolution to religious college students: introducing Religious Cultural Competence in Evolution Education (ReCCEE);CBE—Life Sciences Education,2017

4. The impact of a short evolution module on students’ perceived conflict between evolution and religion;American Biology Teacher,2017

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