1. Statement on Human Rights
2. American Anthropological Association2001Committee for Human Rights (CfHR) Five-Year Evaluation Report, 2001. Electronic document, http://www.aaanet.org/ committees/cfhr/ar95-00.htm, accessed November 6, 2005.
3. American Anthropological Association2005The Growth and Changing Composition of Anthropology, 1966-2002. Electronic document, http://www.aaanet.org/ ar/Changing Composition.pdf, accessed on March 31, 2005.
4. Borneman, John, ed.2004The Case of Ariel Sharon and the Fate of Universal Jurisdiction. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
5. Cowan, Jane2003The Uncertain Political Limits of Cultural Claims: Minority Rights Politics in South-East Europe. In Human Rights in Global Perspective: Anthropological Studies of Rights, Claims, and Entitlements. Richard Wilson and Jon P. Mitchell, eds. Pp. 140-162. London: Routledge.