1. This article discusses many commercially available recordings by Marvin Gaye in addition to a few that are not available to the public. I have made every effort to indicate how readers might access these recordings. For several of the ballads associated with Frank Sinatra and the arrangements by Bobby Scott, I have listed the different versions of the songs and their commercial sources in the Appendix. At the time of writing, a digital-only release created in conjunction with the research that led to this article is forthcoming.
2. Accounts of Gaye's early life appear in Ritz, Divided Soul; Gaye, Marvin Gaye, My Brother; Turner, Trouble Man; and Dyson, Mercy, Mercy Me.
3. Thicke's “Blurred Lines” is on his album of the same name.
4. Puth's “Marvin Gaye” is on his album Nine Track Mind.
5. Big Sean's “Marvin Gaye and Chardonnay” is on his album Finally Famous.