1. See Planchart, “Interaction between Montecassino and Benevento.”
2. Mallet and Thibaut, Les manuscrits en écriture bénéventaine, 2:185 and 185n. Mallet and Thibaut studiously avoid any hypothesis about the possible origins of the manuscript and express doubts about the hypotheses presented by John Boe in Planchart and Boe, Beneventanum Troporum Corpus, Recent Researches 16:xvi–xvii, which suggest nunneries in Benevento dependent on San Vincenzo al Volturno as a destination of the manuscript.
3. The literature on the Beneventan recension of Gregorian chant is quite extensive. The fundamental works are the introduction to Codex 10 673 de la Bibliothèque Vaticane; Claire, “Évolution modale”; and Hesbert, “Antique offertoire.”
4. The fundamental work on this repertory is Kelly, Beneventan Chant.
5. The term “Romano-Beneventan” for this repertory was coined by Hesbert, “Dimanches de carême,” and “Neo-Gregorian” is the term used by Nardini, “Repertorio neo-gregoriano.”