1. Birket-Smith, Kai1953The Chugash Eskimo. Copenhagen: Nationalmuseets Skrifter, Etnografisk Raekke 6.
2. Birket-Smith, Kai, and Frederica de Laguna1938The Eyak Indians of Copper River Delta, Alaska. Copenhagen: Levin and Munksgaard.
3. de Laguna, Frederica1934[1975] The Archaeology of Cook Inlet, Alaska. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum. [Reprinted with a new preface by Frederica de Laguna. Fairbanks: Alaska Historical Society, Anchorage.]
4. de Laguna, Frederica1937The Arrow Points to Murder: The Crime Club. New York: Doubleday Doran.
5. de Laguna, Frederica1938Fog on the Mountain: The Crime Club. New York: Doubleday Doran.