Rhetorical Theory and the Rise and Decline of Dictamen in the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance


Ward John O.


This paper examines the links between Classical (Ciceronian) rhetorical theory and the teaching of medieval Latin prose composition and epistolography between the eleventh century and the renaissance, mainly in Italy. Classical rhetorical theory was not replaced by dictamen, nor was it the “research dimension” of everyday dictaminal activity. Rather Classical rhetorical theory, prose composition and epistolography responded to distinct market niches which appeared from time to time in different places as a consequence of social and political changes. Boncompagno's apparent setting aside of Ciceronian rhetorical theory in favour of stricter notarial and dictaminal procedures was in turn superseded by his successors who chose to enrich their notarial theory with studies of classical rhetoric. Classical rhetorical theory proved influential on dictaminal theory and practice. Dictamen was not ousted by classical rhetoric. It only really declined when growing lay literacy and the use of the vernacular combined with the autonomous professionalism of the legal training institutions to erode the privileged position occupied in medieval times by the dictatores.


University of California Press


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

Reference256 articles.

1. c The International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Rhetorica, Volume XIX, Number 2 (Spring 2001). Send requests for permission to reprint to: Rights and Permissions, University of California Press, Journals Division, 2000 Center St, Ste 303, Berkeley, CA 94704-1223, USA

2. 1 See Gian Carlo Alessio, "L' Ars dictaminis nelle scuole dell'Italia meridionale (secoli XI-XIII)", in Luoghi e Metodi di Insegnamento nell' Italia Medioevale (secoli XII- XIV) (Galatina: Congedo, 1989) pp. 291-308, p. 291: "dictamen sebbene usato da molto tempo a definire, genericamente, una composizione letteraria in prosa o versi, e tuttavia sbilanciato verso l'epistolografia e a indicare la normativa epistolografica va rapidamente specializzando proprio in questo giro di anni". I would still like to keep the two senses apart, however, and hence have adopted the acronyms above for my paper. I should like to record here my great indebtedness to the acute studies and collegial friendliness of James Banker and Virginia Cox, who befriended me respectively at the start and towards the end of my career. Page references to the studies by Banker and Cox (see abbreviations) are incorporated in the text.

3. 2 For a comparable observation in regard to a key dictaminal text, see

4. Tria sunt: The Long and the Short of Geoffrey of Vinsauf's Documentum de modo et arte dictandi et versificandi

5. 3 See my Ciceronian Rhetoric in Treatise, Scholion and Commentary, Typologie des Sources du Moyen Age Occidental 58 (Turnhout: Brepols 1995) ch. VI.








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