1. This phrase is defined in the Urban Dictionary, a crowdsourced slang definitions website of the motto “Define Your World,” in three nearly identical formulations: 1) “Someone once told me the words that I now live my life by, ‘Bitches be crazy’. It is pretty self-explanatory. Every single girl is the spawn of Satan and therefore has some sort of screw loose in thier [sic] noggins which makes bitches crazy. Thats [sic] why you can’t understand them as a guy, cause they’re not real people;” 2) “Not so much a blunt statement as it is a motto in life. This simple yet profound observation states what we all think about bitches and their ways and sums up into simple terms the craziness that they be. Not all women are bitches, and not even all bitches are women, but the bitches that be are, in fact, crazy. The correct reply upon hearing this is to echo it back in confirmation;” 3) “1. Not a rude utterance, or misogynistic remark, merely a statement of fact, alluding to the widely accepted and scientifically proven postulate that states women are crazy 2. Usually muttered in the company of women, which creates a hostile response bordering on insanity, thereby proving the theory.” https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bitches%20be%20crazy accessed April 28, 2018.
2. Swapping out “bitch” for “pitch” has become a kind of musical meme. One popular example is Joseph Karl Stiever’s portrait of Beethoven with the text “I got 99 problems but a pitch ain’t one” superimposed.
3. Cusick 1999; Connor 2000; Schleichter 2011; Daughtry 2012; Mendi Obadike 2005; Eidsheim 2009, 2011, 2018; Kajikawa 2015; Stras 2007; Stoever 2016; McCracken 2015.
4. Nina Eidsheim, “Synthesizing Race: Towards and Analysis of the Performativity of Vocal Timbre,” TRANS 13 (2009).
5. Rikki, interview with the author, Los Angeles, California, October 2014.