1. *University of Washington, Seattle, WA; krbenson@centurytel.net.
2. 1 Frank R. Lillie, The Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory (Chicago, 1944), reprinted in the Biological bulletin, suppl., 174 (1988), 1-284.
3. 2 Jane Maienschein, 100 Years exploring life, 1888-1988 (Boston, 1989).
4. 3 Philip Pauly, "Summer resort and scientific discipline," in Ronald Rainger, Keith R. Benson, and Jane Maineschein, eds., The American development of biology (Philadephia, 1988), 121-150.
5. 4 Dohrn's propaganda included a chart with the Naples' station in the center of a network of arrows directed to all the marine stations in the world, as if they were all created in the image of the Stazione Zoologica. The representation included the French laboratory at Concarneau, even though it began operation in 1859, fifteen years before Naples opened for investigators!