1. *Departement des sciences humaines, Universite du Quebec a Troi-Rivieres, C.P. 500, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada G9A 5H7; Stephane_Castonguay@uqtr.uquebec.ca. I would like to thank the participants at the Second Laboratory History Conference for their comments, and Catherine Westfall and John Heilbron for their editorial assistance. The Ministere de la recherche (France) and the Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales provided funding for the research. The article was written during a postdoctoral internship at the Centre Alexandre Koyre.
2. The following abbreviations are used: CFS, Canadian Forestry Service; CPPA, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association; CJR, Canadian journal of research, CSC, Civil Service Commission; CWSD, Directorate of Chemical Warfare and Smoke; DADM, Department of Agriculture, Deputy Minister's Office (Central Registry and indexes, 1918-1953); DAPM, Department of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office (General Correspondence, 1936-1951); DAWB, Department of Agriculture. Production and Marketing Branch (War Boards and War Administrators, 1939-1952); DARB, Department of Agriculture, Research Branch; DDCWSD, Department of Defense; Chemical Warfare and Smoke Directorate; DDDRB, Department of Defense, Defense Research Board; FICB, Forest Insects Control Board; FIIBPR, Forest insect investigations bi-monthly progress report; NAC, National Archives of Canada; NRC, National Research Council of Canada.
3. 1 Michael Gibbons, etal. The new production of knowledge. The dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies (Beverly Hills, 1994).
4. 2 A. Hunter Dupree. Science in the federal government. A history of policies and activities (Baltimore, 1986); Vittorio M.G. de Vecchi, "Science and government in 19th-century Canada" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 1978).
5. HSPS, Volume 32, Part 1, pages 19-40. ISSN 0890-9997. c2001 by The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Send requests for permission to reprint to Rights and Permissions, University of California Press, 2000 Center St., Ste. 303, Berkeley, CA 94704-1223.