1. Annuaire de l'E'cole pratique des hautes etudes (Paris, France), Section des sciences historiques et philologiques, 1924-1925. Melun: Imprimerie Administrative.
2. Bauman, R. 1977. Verbal Art as Performance. Reprinted ed. 1984. Prospect Heights, Ill.
3. Bauman, R. 1986. Story, Performance, and Event: Contextual Studies of Oral Narrative.
4. Berard, Victor. 1967 [1924]. L'Odyssee: "Poesie Homerique." Tome I: Chants 1-VII. Paris.
5. Beye, Charles Rowan. 1990. "Milman Parry." In W. Briggs and W. M. Calder III, eds., Classical Scholarship: A Biographical Encyclopedia, 361-66. London.