1. Statement from Madeline Anderson on I Am Somebody (1969), Signs, http://signsjournal.org/madeline-anderson-i-am-somebody-1969/.
2. For relevant discussion of feminism, documentary, and the challenges of categorization and access see Shilyh Warren, “By, For, and About: The ‘Real’ Problem in the Feminist Film Movement,” Mediascape (Fall 2008): http://www.tft.ucla.edu/mediascape/Fall08_Warren.html.
3. Complete Orphan Film Symposium programs are available at https://www.nyu.edu/orphanfilm/.
4. For more on Helen Hill see Dan Streible, “In Memoriam Helen Hill,” Film History 19, no. 4 (2007): 438–41.
5. Devin Orgeron, Marsha Orgeron, and Dan Streible, eds., Learning with the Lights Off: Educational Film in the United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012).