1. 1Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany
2. 2NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL), Boulder, CO, USA
3. 3Department of Oceanography, College of Marine Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
4. 4Norwegian Polar Institute, Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway
5. 5Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
6. 6Polar Research Institute of China, Shanghai, China
7. 7College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
8. 8Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao, China
9. 9Naval Postgraduate School and Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Monterey, CA, USA
10. 10Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, MA, USA
11. 11Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
12. 12Physical Sciences Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA
13. 13University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
14. 14Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
15. 15Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
16. 16Center for Fluid Mechanics, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
17. 17Met Office Hadley Centre, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, UK
18. 18Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA
19. 19Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
20. 20Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
21. 21European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Bonn, Germany
22. 22Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, Earth Sciences, UCL, London, UK
23. 23College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan City, China