The Celibate Athlete


Secord Jared1


1. Washington State University


In this article, I propose a new way of interpreting athletic metaphors in early Christian literature. I argue that the metaphorical figure of the athlete would have evoked for ancient readers not simply the ideas of competitive struggle, but also the idea of sexual abstinence, a lifestyle choice closely associated with athletes in the Greco-Roman world. The article collects and discusses evidence for the practice of athletic celibacy, drawing together a disparate collection of medical and philosophical literature, with Christian sources, from the second and third centuries CE. It demonstrates that athletic celibacy was a familiar concept in this period, and that many observers were interested in the methods that athletes used to control their sexual urges, including applying lead plates to their loin muscles. The treatment of this evidence suggests that there was greater interest in sexual abstinence among non-Christians than has previously been understood, and that athletes were implicated in controversies about whether or not total abstention from sex was a healthy lifestyle choice. As such, I argue that it is plausible to regard the athletic imagery of early Christians not only as a metaphorical comparison between two kinds of strident individuals, but also as advocacy for the celibate life as the most healthful lifestyle.


University of California Press



Reference133 articles.

1. Early drafts of this paper were improved immensely thanks to the careful and generous comments of Kristi Upson-Saia and Julie Kelto Lillis, and Julie's students in her “Virgins and Virginity in Early Christianity” seminar at the University of Virginia. I am also grateful for the comments and suggestions of the two anonymous readers for the journal, and the audience at the 2016 annual meeting of the North American Patristics Society, where I delivered a draft of the paper.

2. See especially Victor C. Pfitzner, Paul and the Agon Motif: Traditional Athletic Imagery in the Pauline Literature, Supplements to NT 16 (Leiden: Brill, 1967), 193

3. R. Merkelbach, "Der griechische Wortschatz und die Christen," Zeitschrift für Papryrologie und Epigraphik 18 (1975): 101-48, at 108-36

4. and Zeph Stewart, "Greek Crowns and Christian Martyrs," in Mémorial André-Jean Festugière: Antiquité païenne et chrétienne, ed. E. Lucchesi and H. D. Saffrey (Genève: P. Cramer, 1984), 119-24.

5. For the ancient belief, see W. Fielder, “Sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit griechischer Athleten und ihre medizinische Begründung,” Stadion 11 (1985): 137–75. Gloria J. Fischer, “Abstention from Sex and Other Pre-Game Rituals Used by College Male Varsity Athletes,” Journal of Sport Behavior 20.2 (1997): 176–84 provides evidence of the belief's continuing influence in modern athletics. On the excesses typically associated with athletes in Greco-Roman antiquity, see Pierre Villard, “Le régime des athlètes: vivre avec une santé excessive,” in Thérapies, médecine et démographie antiques, ed. Christine Didier, Jean-Nicolas Corvisier, and Martine Valdher (Arras: Artois Pr. Université, 2001), 157–70.







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