1. A small coleoid cephalopod with soft parts from the lower Devonian discovered using radiography
2. Korobkov I. A. 1954. Spravochnik i metodicheskoe Rukovodstvo po tretichnym mollyuskam Plastinchatozhabernye: Gosud. Nauchno-tech. Issledov Nefti. Gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Leningradskoi Otdelenie, 444 p.
3. Differenciation des especes d'ostracodes attribuees aux genres Asymmetricythere Bassiouni, 1971 et Togoina Apostelescu, 1961 par representation tomographique en analyse factorielle [Differentiation of ostracode species belonging to the genus Asymmetricythere Bassiouni, 1971 and Togoina Apostelescu, 1961 with tomographic representation by factorial analysis];Carbonnel;Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine,1993