1. School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
2. Centre for Quantum Software and Information, University of Technology Sydney
3. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
We introduce a graphical framework for fair division in cake cutting, where comparisons between agents are limited by an underlying network structure. We generalize the classical fairness notions of envy-freeness and proportionality in this graphical setting. An allocation is called envy-free on a graph if no agent envies any of her neighbor's share, and is called proportional on a graph if every agent values her own share no less than the average among her neighbors, with respect to her own measure. These generalizations enable new research directions in developing simple and efficient algorithms that can produce fair allocations under specific graph structures.
On the algorithmic frontier, we first propose a moving-knife algorithm that outputs an envy-free allocation on trees. The algorithm is significantly simpler than the discrete and bounded envy-free algorithm introduced in [Aziz and Mackenzie, 2016] for compete graphs. Next, we give a discrete and bounded algorithm for computing a proportional allocation on transitive closure of trees, a class of graphs by taking a rooted tree and connecting all its ancestor-descendant pairs.
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization
Cited by
7 articles.