1. FO 195/2363, Confidential despatch No. 105 from Sir G. Lowther, Pera to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. 17 February 1909.
2. FO371/59231, R 17969/6/44, “The Bosphorus and the Dardanelles”, 6 January 1947.
3. Great Britain, Common Parliamentary Papers, 1878, s.862. Report by Acting Consul Calvert on the Trade and Commerce of Alexandria for the Year 1878.
4. Deniz Harp Tarihi, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Eğitim Kitapları: İstanbul, 1966.
5. Meclisi Âyan Zabıt Ceridesi, İ. 5, C. 1, 14 Teşrinisâni 1332 [14 Kasım 1916].