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2. Annex I: The Rule of law as a foundational principle of the Union, Annexes to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: A new EU Framework to strengthen the Rule of Law, ANNEXES 1 to 2, COM(2014) 158 final, 11 March 2014, Strasburg.
3. Arbeitsunterlage Der Kommissionsdienststellen: Bericht ber die Rechtsstaatlichkeit 2020, Lnderkapitel zur Lage der Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Deutschland, 304 final, Brssel, den 30.9.2020.
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5. Commission staff working document: 2020 Rule of Law Report, Country Chapter on the rule of law situation in Netherlands, SWD(2020) 318 final, Brussels, 30.9.2020.