1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
2. Akademia WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej
The success of an organization is determined by people and their unique features:
knowledge, skills, talents, openness to changes, innovation and passions. The worker
decides how he will fulfill the assumed roles or how much of his cognitive, emotional and
physical energy will be devoted to his work. The decision about the worker contribution
to work is determined by his organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is
perceived in literature as a determinant of high quality and effectiveness of operations,
a tool of creation of the image of the organization and the way how it is perceived by
its customers. These mechanisms can also be applied to educational institutions. This
study has a theoretical character, it is based on the literature and the practical experience
of the authors. The aim of the study is to try to determine the specific for educational
institutions features of organizational commitment and its importance for the success of
an educational institution.
Warsaw School of Economics