Społeczne reprezentacje współpracy, zaufania i sprawiedliwości w edukacji szkolnej


Krasuska-Betiuk Marta


The purpose of the text is to present ways of perceiving values relevant for interpersonal relationships taking place in the school space. The main thesis is the inconsistency of systems of representations of ideas, values, beliefs shared by school community actors. The paradigm that guided the problem in question is derived from the constructivist trend of social psychology, called the theory of social representation (SRT), in the version formulated by Serge Moscovici. The first part of the paper presents the theoretical assumptions of the value proposition in school education and the methods of their investigation, then the author collates the scientific content of social concepts and the ways of their social perception. The subjects of social representation have been the relationships between teachers and parents and representations of the category of trust and justice in education. Theoretical considerations were supported by empirical examples from selected national and international studies.


University of Warsaw


General Medicine

Reference59 articles.

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