Depression of Children and Adolescents


Kułak-Bejda Agnieszka1,Bejda Grzegorz2,Waszkiewicz Napoleon1


1. Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Białystok, Bialystok, Poland

2. The School of Medical Science in Białystok, Bialystok, Poland


Depression in childhood and adolescence is still less well known than depression in adults. The term "childhood and adolescent depression" for depression in childhood and adolescence was not used until 1966 and was studied in these age groups mainly by psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and developmental psychologists. Unfortunately, the results of their research are not homogeneous, but they show that it increases with age. Juvenile depression is a separate symptom that includes mood disorders, behavioral disorders, anxiety and self-destructive behavior. It differs from adult depression in terms of its course, and it lasts shorter and has a duration a different psychopathological picture. In the article, the available literature was reviewed and, based on the results obtained, the problem was developed in division into sections: epidemiology, etiopatogenesis, clinical grounds, socialmedia and depression.


Index Copernicus


General Medicine

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