"Small-Scale Backyard Revitalizations". An Example of The Application of The Socio-Pedagogical Tradition of Activation of Local Communities with Their Own Forces in The Processes of Urban Revitalization


Gulczyńska Anita1


1. Uniwersytet Łódzki Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji


The article aims to present the concept of “micro-scale revitalization of backyards” which captures the process of a tripartite (students; young residents of urban disadvantaged neighbourhoods; academics) co-creation of living space. It has been developed in a result of Participatory Action-Research (PAR). Its genesis reveals the relationship between theoretical work and clinical practice and academic education, so characteristic of theoretical activities in the Lodz model of social work development. The article adds to the scientific discourse in at least two areas. The first is the conceptual dimension of social pedagogy – one of the disciplines orienting activities social work. The second is the discourse of practice. The concept of the “macro-scale revitalization of backyards” outlines a certain model of community work, hence it is a voice in the discussion on the role of social workers in the course of urban development. It raises the issue of the importance of the socio-educational perspective in contemporary urban revitalisation processes in Poland.


Index Copernicus


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

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