Methodological problems of assessing the damage to the citizens of Ukraine caused by the aggressive actions of Putin’s Russia


Pankevych Ivan1ORCID,Lutskyi Roman2ORCID


1. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski Instytut Nauk Prawnych Katedry Prawa Konstytucyjnego, Europejskiego i Międzynarodowego Publicznego

2. Uniwersytet Króla Daniela Instytut Naukowo-Badawczy


The article analyses the methodological and legal problems of assessing damage to Ukrainian citizens caused by the aggressive actions of Putin’s Russia. The purpose of the study is to make proposals for a number of urgent measures at national and local levels aimed at providing methodological tools for collecting data on the amount of destroyed and damaged housing, establishing methods and methodological bases for determining the assessment of damages caused as a result of the large-scale aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. A result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation has been the large-scale destruction of residential and infrastructure facilities. The government took a number of measures aimed at establishing rules and methods for recording damaged and destroyed structures, and assessing the damage caused. Local self-government bodies have been defined as the key authorized bodies for their implementation. At the same time, despite the legal regulatory measures taken by the government, there are still a number of gaps hindering the complete and efficient recording of the destruction and damage, and assessment of the damage caused. The register of damaged and destroyed property should be created not only as an information base on actual destruction and damage, but also as a source of information on the amount of damage caused and the need for restoration or compensation. In order to establish an accurate assessment of the damage caused, the development and approval of detailed methodology should be accelerated in the direction of “losses in housing stock and renovation facilities”, as provided for in accordance with the special legal framework. It would also be worth taking measures to strengthen the capacity of local self-government bodies at the community level in creating local databases for mapping damaged and destroyed housing.


Index Copernicus

Reference11 articles.

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