Geometrical Model to Determine Sewing Thread Consumption for Stitch Class 406


Rehman Ateeq ur1,Rasheed Abher1,Javed Zafar2,Naeem M. Salman2,Ramzan Muhammad Babar1,Karahan Mehmet3


1. Pakistan, Faisalabad, National Textile University, Department of Garments Manufacturing

2. Pakistan, Faisalabad, National Textile University, Department of Design

3. Turkey, Gorukle Bursa, Uludag University Vocational, School of Technical Sciences


This study aimed at developing a geometrical model for predicting the sewing thread consumption of stitch class 406. Stitch class 400 is a multi-thread chain stitch which consumes a less amount of thread as compared with stitch class 500 but more thread as compared with stitch class 300. Sewing thread calculation plays a significant role in determining the exact amount of thread for completing a garment and predicting the right quantity of thread for bulk production. The geometrical model developed was used for predicting sewing thread consumption by using different factors like stitch density (8 and 12 SPI), material thickness (2, 4 and 6 layers of fabric), and type of material (denim, knitted and fleece). The model was validated with a total of 18 samples sewn with different kinds of fabric, SPI, and material thickness. It was concluded that the model could predict sewing thread consumption with more than 97.18% accuracy.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,General Environmental Science,Materials Science (miscellaneous),Business and International Management

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