Three-year (2017-2019) activity report of the Replantation Service for hand amputations in Poland


Żyluk Andrzej1,Chrapusta Anna2,Jabłecki Jerzy3,Romanowski Leszek4,Mazurek Tomasz5,Domanasiewicz Adam6


1. Clinic of General and Hand Surgery, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland

2. Malopolska Center for Burns and Plastic Surgery in the Ludwik Rydygier Memorial Specialized Hospital in Krakow, Poland

3. University of Opole, Faculty of Health Sciences, Poland Department of General Surgery, Replantation and Transplantation of the Limbs, St. Hedwig the Silesian Hospital in Trzebnica, Poland

4. Department of Orthopedics, Traumatology and Hand Surgery, Medical University in Poznan, Poland

5. Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Medical University in Gdansk, Poland

6. Department of Traumatology and Hand Surgery, Medical University in Wroclaw, Poland


This article summarises activity of the Replantation Service for hand amputations in Poland in years 2017-2019. Over this period a total of 551 cases of total and subtotal amputations as well as other complex injuries to the hand were referred to the referenced centres. Of these, 330 referrals were accepted and 221 rejected, for various reasons. Among these accepted, there were 165 total (50%) and 131 subtotal (40%) amputations; 34 patients (10%) had other severe hand injuries. Vast majority of the patients constituted young and middle-age males. The most common was amputation of several digits and thumbs - a total of 251 cases (76%), followed by transmetacarpal - 30 (9%), forearm - 23 (7%) and wrist - 20 (6%) amputations. Replantation of amputated extremity was performed in 138 patients (42%), revascularization in 98 (30%) and in 45 (14%) primary repair of the complex injuries. In 26 cases (8%), coverage of tissue defects was performed, and in 23 (7%) primary terminalization. Survival rate was of a mean of 65% for replantations and 85% for revascularizations. Comparing to the previously reported period 2013-2017, the number of treated patients was similar, but structure of injuries differed: number of digital amputations increased (of 22 cases), whereas number of proximal amputations (hand, forearm and arm) significantly dropped (of 50 cases). The importance of Replantation Service, an informal structure, in saving limbs of severely mutilated patients was emphasised.


Index Copernicus


General Medicine,Surgery







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