1. İzmir Bakırçay University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Gazi Mustafa Kemal District, Kaynaklar Caddesi, Seyrek, Menemen, Izmir
2. Izmir Bakırçay University Health Sciences of Faculty, Nursing Department, Izmir, Turkey
Purpose: This study aimed to compare the spiritualwell-being levels of formal and informal caregiversof cancer patients.Materials and Methods: This study using a crosssectional survey was conducted with formal (n=52)and informal caregivers (n=52), who met theinclusion criteria, were included in the sample. Thedata of the study were collected using web-based andself-reported questionnaires.Results: The scores of spiritual well-being in alldimensions of formal and informal caregivers are ata moderate level. There was a difference between informal and formal caregivers in the belief andpeace sub-dimension scores. Moreover, there was nodifference in total score averages of the spiritualwell-being scale. It was found that there was nostatistically significant difference between themaccording to age groups, gender, marital status,having a child, and income status.Conclusions: This study provides that the careprocess of cancer patients may affect the spiritualwell-being of formal and informal caregivers.Keywords: cancer, formal caregivers, informalcaregivers, spiritual well-being, oncology nursing