1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
The methodology of surface topography research plays a key role in identifying and describing the wear
mechanism, including the tribological wear traces. In the published literature, wear traces are most often
described based on the surface morphology created in the operation process (microscopic image – optical
microscope OM, scanning electron microscope SEM, atomic force microscope AFM); less frequently used
are 2D profile description (contact or non-contact profilometer) or 3D topography (profilometer, confocal
microscope, interference microscope, focus variation microscope). Each method of testing the worn surface
has its own characteristics and purposefulness of use. The combination of different methods enables a
comprehensive assessment of the surface topography created in the operation process and the characterisation
of tribological wear traces.
This work presents the main issues in the range of research methodology of the surface topography created
in the operation process (operated/worn surface topography) – the purpose of research, research programme,
research methods and tools, analysis of research results (quantitative – parametric and qualitative – nonparametric).
The research methodology of the surface topography and tribological wear traces is presented
on selected examples. The method of conducting a comprehensive analysis, including all elements – surface
morphology, 2D profile analysis and 3D topographic analysis – is discussed.
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