Modern heat-resistant 11%Cr martensitic steel for power industry


Golański G.1


1. Department of Materials Science, Czestochowa University of Technology, ul. Armii Krajowej 19, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland


Purpose: The purpose of the investigations was to characterise and describe the modern creep-resistant Thor 115 steel for supercritical power units. Design/methodology/approach: The investigations were performed based on the knowledge and experience of the author, the preliminary results of his own research and the available literature on the subject-matter of the considerations presented in the paper. Findings: Modern steel Thor 115 was subjected to overall analysis in terms of its use as a potential heat-resistant structural material for power plant components. Based on the preliminary results of own research and the available literature data, it has been shown that the analysed steel may be a structural material of full value if the assumed creep resistance in the service temperature range of 600-650ºC is confirmed. Research limitations/implications: The comprehensive analysis of degradation of microstructure of the steel after ageing (and/or creep) requires TEM examinations. Finding the correlation between the creep and ageing conditions and changes in the microstructure of the steel. Practical implications: The investigations carried out as part of the paper and the considerations on the subject-matter of the analysed steel may be the basis for the development of a database of material characteristics for steels, alloys and welded joints. Originality/value: The analysis of chemical composition, heat treatment and mechanical properties and the investigations of microstructure of Thor 115 steel are presented.


Index Copernicus


General Materials Science

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