1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering
2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering
This publication presents the possibility of extending the service life of the rotor shaft seal ring in an automotiveturbocharger by using an intermetallic Al-Fe alloy. Comprehensive results of tribological, metallographic andprofilometric tests of this alloy (vacuum cast) operating in a sliding association on a T-05 bench allowedthe representation of a real friction node. Based on empirical tests, it will be possible to determine whichalloy (Al-Fe alloy or the one currently used for sealing rings of a car turbocharger rotor shaft) has bettertribological properties. For this purpose, the research was based on an experiment that assumes three mainfactors determining the wear of the tested association. The result of the experimental plan was to obtain threedimensionaldiagrams showing the influence of the wear factors on the friction force and surface topography.
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