1. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach Katedra Zarządzania Organizacjami,
The paper, inspired by a long-term client-company relationship model, highlights the components of a model of loyalty relationships between an employee (an internal client) and an organisation. The study aims to present a relatively complete specification of antecedents (the first component of the model), i.e. the determinants of an effective relationship, understood as a long-term bond benefiting both parties. The antecedents include the type of loyalty strategy applied by the company, the drivers behind loyalty and the spread of multi-loyalty among employees. Next, the paper identifies the determinants of the relationship (the second component of the model), including, e.g. the type of employees’ loyalty. The third component of the model looks at the results of the relationship, such as the level of loyalty risk in the organization and its implications, e.g. in the form of (incomplete) employee buy-in and productivity losses. Empirical verification of the model would be advantageous.
Warsaw School of Economics
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