Disloyalty of Knowledge Workers to their Employing Organizations – Synectic Angle


Zięba Katarzyna1


1. Wojewódzka Przychodnia Stomatologiczna im. dr. n med Zbiegniewa Żaka w Krakowie


The above-average involvement of knowledge workers in their work is not synonymous with loyalty to the employer. Although the work performed is a kind of passion, there are many determinants, indicating disloyalty of knowledge workers to the organization. The conclusion is that the knowledge workers have characteristics of disloyal employees. Therefore, the disloyal knowledge worker can be used as a specific object of synectics, for instance: circular structure, pie chart and clusters. The characteristics of disloyalty of knowledge workers should be one of the dominant areas of interest to specialists in the management of human capital. The growing importance of this category of workers implies a problem for management and above all how to retain them in the organization. The dynamic environment is the source of many opportunities for knowledge workers, which may be reasons for their disloyalty to the employer (e.g. departure to the competition). Therefore, managers of various organizations will be forced to modify the existing management systems, taking into account the more attractive elements influencing the loyalty of knowledge workers to the organizations employing them.


Warsaw School of Economics

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