1. WSG Bydgoszcz University
Human lifespan has been an exciting field and subject of many studies carried out by geriatric biomechanicsspecialists. They believe metabolic rather than chronological age determines healthy and active longevity.The issues of human Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Metabolic Age (MA) form a new sub-domain ofbiotribology, where human health and limb function are indirectly related to the human living skin tissuelubricated with sweat during a motion of the inorganic surface of tight-fitting underwear (sports clothing).A biohydromechanic cooperation described this way significantly impacts a human’s training activity,including but not limited to their limb function, and is finally related to human sweat’s dynamic viscosity.In the summary, the article presents new biotribological studies to emphasise the complexity of direct andindirect synergistic impacts contributing to the change in the Basal Metabolic Rate and Metabolic Age valuesand their use in health science, sports and physiotherapy.
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