1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
The competences of mainstream school teachers in working with students with special educational needs are one of the key conditions for improving the quality of inclusive education. Yet, many research reports indicate that these competences, both in the substantive and methodological areas, are unsatisfactory. The article is aimed at presenting research on further training in the field of special education, undertaken by mainstream school teachers educating students with mild intellectual disabilities. The article presents the results of the longitudinal studies conducted in the years 2014‒2019 (in four waves) with the use of the diagnostic survey method – a questionnaire technique on a group of 600 people. The research results show a steady increase in the rate of completed forms of further training (postgraduate studies, qualification and training courses). In the analysed period, averaging the four waves of research, nearly 70% of respondents declared completion of formal forms of further training. A solution to the problem of insufficient preparation of mainstream teachers to work with students with SEN should also be sought in the area of reforming the acquisition of teaching qualifications during university studies, as well as in the field of methodological support coordinating the elements of inclusive activities at school level.
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