Research on the effectiveness of alternative propulsion sources in high-tonnage cargo transport


Wasiak Mariusz1,Zdanowicz Piotr1,Nivette Marcin2


1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Warsaw, Poland

2. Nivette Fleet Management Sp. z o.o., Warsaw, Poland


The progressive degradation of the environment makes implementing pro-ecological solutions in various areas of our lives more meaningful. These measures also apply to transport, responsible for around 30% of total carbon dioxide emissions in the EU. Implementing ecological solutions in road transport encounters various barriers resulting mainly from the specificity of transport tasks. One of the most promising solutions in the high-tonnage road transport sector seems to be LNG-fueled engines, which allow for similar operating conditions to traditional combustion vehicles. The article aims to identify the environmental benefits of the use of high-tonnage LNG-fueled vehicles in freight transport and to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the economic efficiency of this solution. The article assesses the effectiveness of using an LNG-fueled vehicle and a diesel-fueled vehicle that meets the highest exhaust emission standard in high-tonnage transport, both in terms of economy and an impact of these solutions on the environment. The research was carried out on a given route, taking into account variants of vehicle manning and simulations of transport cycle time. In conclusion, a discussion of the obtained results was carried out, emphasizing the factors determining the profitability of using high-tonnage vehicles with LNG drive or its lack. Regardless of the indicated lack of clarity in the economic assessment of the effectiveness of LNG drives in high-tonnage vehicles, the identified environmental benefits from implementing these solutions seem to be quite unequivocal. Thus, it should be expected that in the event of loss of economic competitiveness of these solutions, appropriate fiscal instruments should be used - especially since LNG drives in the policies of individual countries are considered pro-ecological solutions.


Index Copernicus


Transportation,Automotive Engineering

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