Wstęp do analizy niechęci wobec dzieci. Projekt badań


Bańczyk Emilia1ORCID


1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


The author presents a research project devoted to expressing resentment towards children on the Internet. The study object is the discourse of Internet users, i.e. statements posted especially in social media. The study is intended to show whether there exists a normalisation of rude behaviour or perhaps even age discrimination. To investigate these questions, the study will aim to answer: how the online discourse about negatively perceived children is shaped, how the Internet users refer to children, what they say about children etc. Thus, I would like to consider adding a special group to the list of discriminated groups, especially if we consider the tradition of speaking well of children. Children as a discriminated group have not been the topic for in-depth analysis in sociological and linguistic works so far. The theoretical background for the decisions made is the normalization of rude behaviour and age discrimination. The methodological equipment of resources for research projects consists in the creation of linguistic discourse analysis, as well as digital humanities tools that enable automatic language processing.


Index Copernicus

Reference23 articles.

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