The Coagulology Section of the Polish Societyof Laboratory Diagnostics recommendations on the plateletreactivity test. 2023


Golański Jacek1ORCID,Raszeja-Specht Anna2


1. Zakład Zaburzeń Krzepnięcia Krwi, Katedra Nauk Biomedycznych, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi, Łódź, Polska

2. Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny, Gdańsk, Polska, emerytowany pracownik


Platelet reactivity testing is used for a wide variety of clinical purposes; firstly, to study plateletdysfunction in acute bleeding and diagnosis of platelet disorders in patients with long-term bleeding tendency, and secondly, to study the effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy in patientswith increased risk of thromboembolism. A new direction of research is platelet phenotyping.To provide an overview of contemporary platelet function testing, this review summarizes themost commonly used tests in Poland, including their advantages, disadvantages, and clinicalutility. The review also discusses preanalytical variables that should be considered whenexamining platelet function. Finally, we concluded future directions for the study of plateletfunction for clinical or research purposes.


Index Copernicus

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